Monday, October 5, 2009

The Real Tribute to Ashley

So I figured my last little shout out to Ashley didn't do this girl justice. For all of you who know Ashley you know she is pretty much a perfect girl. It's so hard being away from her sometimes. I love everything about her. She makes me want to be a better person(just like Shamu) I will always admire her testimony. I love you Ashley and I hope that we will be Best Friends Forever!

1 comment:

  1. sometimes i sit at work and cry because of your blog. it's kind of embarrassing when people come in. hahaha
    but dude. you are the best friend in the whole wide world and i wouldn't trade our friendship for anything!! and i'm def not perfect...think back to times like when my family called me "princess ashley". hahaha. we've been through a whole heck of a lot together and i still plan to live next-door to you for the rest of my life.
    i love you kayla.
    thanks for being simply amazing.
