Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So for the first time since I started college I got stressed about money for this upcoming semester.
I didn't think that I had enough.
I really didn't want to ask my dad for help.
Then yesterday I checked my email.
I found out the school is offering me a scholarship for this next semester.
Apparently working hard in school pays off.
I am very thankful to the kind donor who provided this.

Life is good.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What gift have I decided to give this Christmas? 18 months out of the next couple of years.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tonight I got a much needed dose of this girl. She still makes me laugh harder than anyone can!
It was also Chase's first birthday on the 22nd! I can't believe that he went from this...To This
In just one year

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dear Santa

Maybe if you brought me a pair of these babies I would have a set of perfect legs
On second thought... please don't

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I love going through my computer and finding things like this. If you don't think this is funny....You don't have a soul. Sometimes we all wish we are Hannah Montana right?

P.S. School is out!! Who wants to play? :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A family that bowls together stays together

The Porter family are pretty legit bowlers...except for me.

Dayne can model at the same time.

Brad dances after every turn.

Elyse has a killer game face.

Rachel has the good form. Especially with help from her competitive husband.

And Dayne gets the best photographer award, although that's easy with such a photogenic model

Sadly we didn't get pictures of the best two bowlers, Dad and Royce, but they were too concentrated on winning.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Sometimes during the Christmas season I have a hard time focusing on what we are really celebrating. This video is a perfect reminder!

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's amazing how one little man can make me so happy, even during the hardest of times.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Plan of Salvation is real, and I love it.
I'll miss you Grandpa.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Sometimes I don't like work....
A lot of times I do :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Favorite text from today...

" Sometime we talk about gaining
30 pounds when you are pregnant
in nutrition. That's a lot!"
-Ashley Walter

Made my day

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thinking a lot about the man on the far left today. He is such a great example and will be missed.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I love little brother because he does things like this
So I don't have to :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

This video gives me total Bieber Fever... just saying
Plus she rocks at spelling his name.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Did you read this?

If yes you should post a comment so I know that someone cares about this blog haha even if I don't know you, because the other day this random girl from school said my blog was funny...
And to my faithful reader in Japan 読んでくれてありがとう

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today I used these babies for the first time since this and it felt awesome :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today I did something stupid.
This kid bet me that I couldn't style my hair differently everyday for a month.
I am stubborn so I accepted the challenge.
I think I can do about 5 hairstyles.
This challenge starts in 5 days.
Please help!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Do you remember when it used to be cool to match your friends in elementary?
Apparently it still is!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today I feel so mature! I was bored at school so I decided to like everything on my friends facebook wall until when she signed on it looked like this...
And it only took me like three minutes... pure talent

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today I woke up at the time I am supposed to leave.
- But I can always rock a french braid.

Today I was extremely late to class due to waking up so late.
- But I have an awesome teacher who didn't do anything.

Today I did hours and hours of math homework.
-But I had great company.

Today I forgot to say my morning prayer.
-But I'm glad that I feel guilty about it now.

Today I got really sad that I can't run the half marathon this weekend because of my foot.
-But I'm glad that I have a healthy body.

Today I got stuck in pretty bad traffic.
-But I made an awesome new playlist last night.

Today I ate McDonalds...bleh.
-But it was yummy.

Today I took too long of a nap on accident.
-But my dream was wonderful.

Today... Has been a good day :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wise Investment

I've been waiting so long for this cd to come out, I couldn't be more thrilled it's finally here :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

We gonna find you

Watch this Video...
And now this one...
Cracks me up every time!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm so not ready for this
But it gets me a little excited for this
And this
A little of this
And a whole bunch of this
If anyone cares to join me in these activities let me know :) Bring it on winter!

Monday, October 25, 2010

So I have a math test tomorrow and thought that it would be wise to stop by the tutoring lab. The kind boy who helped me happened to be Chinese and spoke about two words of English. This is the help I got...
Let's just say that there were two foreign languages being spoken. Pray for me!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
Well let's take a closer look...foot #1
And now, foot #2
Gross right?! It's days like today where all I want to do is this...but I can't even manage to walk :(
So people, I know that you might have a hard time being my friend right now because I look like an elephant, but please don't judge me too harshly lol

Friday, October 15, 2010

Moral Creed

So for my religion class this semester I am taking 'Preparing for Celestial Marriage' I was a little skeptical at first, but it was the only class that would fit with my schedule. Now I am so glad I'm taking it! I feel like I learn so much. We had to make these things called our moral creeds. It's simple really, all you do is make a word document of things that you will do, and then another for things that you wont. I think that this is a very good idea and that everyone should do it. Here is mine :) p.s. A lot have to do with dating and marriage because of the class I am in...

I will...

· Settle for nothing less than a temple marriage.

· Date people that honor and respect women.

· Hold to my standards when it comes to looking for someone to marry.

· Make sure my future spouse and I are starting our marriage on a good foundation.

· Live a life worthy to be married and sealed in the temple.

· Pray to the Lord for guidance in things that I am supposed to be doing.

· Trust that the Lord knows what is best for me.

· Be happy and remain positive through life.

· Work through challenging situations.

· Be an example to those around me.

· Attend the temple regularly.

· Pray to have the Spirit with me through the day.

· Avoid dangers in dating by not putting us in awkward situations.

· Live a life like the life I want my future spouse to be living.

· Stand up for what I believe in.

· Control my redheaded personality.

· Try to see people the way that God sees people.

· Dress modestly to attract the right type of boys.

· Speak appropriately.

· Fight hard against bad habits that I have.

· Get to know the person that I’m going to marry before it’s sealed over the alter.

· Stay married to the same person, even when life gets tough.

· Get through temptations with the Lord’s help.

· Raise a family in the gospel.

· Let family members know of my love for them.

· Show gratitude in all that I do.

· Go to places that the spirit can be with me at all times.

· Not be a stupid girl who doesn’t know her standards.

· Always remember that I am a daughter of God and know that he loves me.

· Associate myself with people that I feel comfortable around.

· Marry someone who treats me the way my Dad treats my Mom.

· Gain an education and share that knowledge with those around me, especially my children.

· Let others know that I have a testimony of this gospel.

· Be honest in the things that I do.

· Have a marriage that has a partnership with God.

I Won't...

· Let others opinions bring me down.

· Live a life with fear of the future.

· Think bad thoughts.

· Put others down to feel better about myself.

· Be afraid to share my testimony with others.

· Put myself in situations where the spirit cannot be with me.

· Focus too much on outward appearances.

· Judge people too harshly before I have even talked to them.

· Speak inappropriately.

· Forget who I am.

· Slack off in school, work, or church jobs.

· Hold back from promptings.

· Spend more money than I have available.

· Dress immodestly.

· Be unworthy of a temple recommend.

· Be afraid to tell people to not act certain ways around me.

· Go against church standards.

· Compromise my standards in certain situations.

· Let certain goals of mine die off.

· Make a habit of yelling in the home.

· Let my talents go by not sharing them.

· Judge people by the way they dress.

· Be pessimistic.

· Give up on my passions in life.

· Be ashamed to turn to the Lord for his strength and guidance.

· Let myself get carried away on dates.

· Marry someone that I don’t really know.

· Lie to avoid certain situations.

· Take life for granted.

· Forget the love that my Heavenly Father has for me.

· Give into worldly pleasures.

· Let my loved ones not know the love that I have for them.

· Date people who don’t have a testimony of the gospel.

· Be that girl who ‘gets around’.

· Be rude.

· Weigh myself every day.

· Deny my love for Jesus Christ.

So people... What is your Moral Creed?